We teach web programming, software engineering, project management, quantum computing and bioinformatics. Our interaction in the classroom is based on theme centered interaction (TCI). Agile methods play a large role (Wedemann, 2013) (Wedemann, 2019). We developed different teaching approaches suiting best to the topics. E.g. we use problem based learning for teaching web programming, project based learning for requirements engineering (Wedemann, 2015) or scrum as a teaching method for software architecture (Wedemann, 2018). Lego Serious Play has an increasing share in our classroom (Wedemann, 2021).
Please see our learning management system Ilias for material for our courses.
We thank the following industrial partners for providing software licenses for our courses:
Visual Paradigm provides FH Stralsund with UML, BPMN, Project Management and EA tools under the Academic Partner Program
Jetbrains provides a classroom license for Webstorm JavaScript IDE.